On That Date, No. 3

"The universal march toward convenience and cheapness, even though it . . . means loss in quality, generally brings a higher average of goodness. . . . [Consider] the meat supply --- never better than at the present time. Considering the relation of the [small] supply of cattle to the [high] demand for fresh meats[,] the cost is phenomenally low. "And why? Because the great slaughter-houses have eliminated waste. Not a hair is lost, not a bone, nor an ounce of blood, hide, hoof or horns, for all are given a commercial value, to secure which the consumers . . . of the entire world have been sought and won.

"Keep in mind when inclined to complain of the cost of meat that every year there are more millions to be fed and fewer acres for grazing cattle. The day of low cost meat has passed, and we have to thank the great beef barons for keeping down cost by means of steam, machinery, improved methods, distribution in refrigerator cars and scientific methods of handling."

--- F. N. Barrett, "The Improving Food Supply," Good Housekeeping 53, no. 4 (October 1911): 477, 478.

English: An interior view of the Burns meat pa...