Jeff Alworth: Seriously Impressive Guy

Seriously. He's impressive. He's living proof of the way change happens. Yes, okay, the bill may die before it lands on the desk of the Oregon governor, but holy shit, he and the bill are impressive. I'm big on hope. And Jeff's desire for an honest pint is an example of hope in action. Plus, he's a good writer. Damn, what's NOT to like about this guy?

Read more here and here and here.

Cow On the Run? Nothing New.

Oh, shades of the past, etc. News report about cow escaping from slaughterhouse in Queens, New York. Sounds so familiar to me! I've read literally dozens of such reports while researching my new book, a history of meat in America, which opens with the age of the urban slaughterhouse c. 1870.

Only difference is that in 1870, such episodes were so common (because there was a slaughterhouse on every other block) that people just got out of the way. No high-speed cop chases back then!

Tip o' the mug for this to Rebecca Skloot, via Twitter (@rebeccaskloot).

Yes, There Is a Better Light Bulb

I've been wondering if a better light bulb was on the way --- and yep, it is. (I know: it seems weird to think about light bulbs [oh. Good existential joke coming right up; something about comic characters, thinking, and light bulb....) -- but it's clear that if incandescents are on the way out, and compact flourescents are so problematic, well, we something different. Plus, if I weren't doing what I do, I'd be a lighting designer.)

Update on Jeff Alworth's "Honest Pint Project"

I don't think I'm EVER going to get caught up on reading/thinking/writing, thanks to my trip to LA and the "Beer Wars" event. But I'm trying.

And one thing I missed/neglected/overlooked (until now) was the great news about Jeff Alworth's Honest Pint Project. Here's one update (with comical commentary from Jeff.) The Oregon House votes on the bill today. You go, Jeff!