What Are Your Plans For Repeal Day?
/So asks Jeffrey Morgenthaler (*1). A bunch of people have replied on his blog, so he's compiling what amounts to an ad hoc national list of places to celebrate on December 5th. Me? I'll be at home doing my usual stay-at-home thing. But my husband and I will hoist one in honor of the day.
*1: I mentioned Jeffrey a few blog entries back. He's the guy who's promoting National Repeal Day.
Patrick Dougherty Willow Sculpture
/There's a new art installation here in Ames: a willow-sapling sculpture by artist Patrick Dougherty. I've not been able to find many images online, but try this, this, and this. (It's a little weird to see a total stranger's weaving and cats in the first set, but whaddya gonna do?) Frankly, images don't capture the mystery and wonder of the actual installation, or the amazing aroma of all that willow bark and leaf. Marvelous!
World Philosophy Day
/Well, again, who the hell knew? Turns out that today is World Philosophy Day. Why would I care? Because I'm married to a philosopher (analytical rather than continental, thank you very much). So, my beloved husband (and new grandpa): this day's for you!
World Toilet Day
/Well, I missed it, but yesterday was World Toilet Day.(*1) No, not kidding. The event is sponsored by the World Toilet Organization (not kidding about that, either). Read about it here. Tip o' the mug to Dana Milbank of Rough Sketch.
*1: I know, I know. How, you wonder, can a someone who's written a history of plumbing manage to miss World Toilet Day? What can I say? I'm swamped.... repeal is coming up, InBev deal just closed, am writing a new book. Blah, blah, blah....
LIfe Magazine Archive At Google Images
/This falls into the category of seriously cool: Google and the people at the Life photo archive have joined forces to let all of us enjoy the archive. See it here.
Tip o' the mug to Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish.