On That Date, No. 6
“Animal rights activists told farm organization representatives at a Chicago conference that they kind of hog production they will accept involves a pasture system, for farrowing as well as growing and finishing.
[Conference] speakers make it clear that the animal rights movement considers confinement production of hogs ‘abuse and torment.’ They were particularly critical of stalls and crates for sows during gestation and farrowing and the films they showed indicated pasture production is the only system they consider acceptable.
“While speakers insisted that vegetarianism is not necessarily a part of the animals rights movement, many of the speakers were vegetarians; much of the literature distributed to registrants extolled the merits of a vegetarian diet; and the lunch entree was a cheese sandwich.”
“Only Pigs on Pastured Condoned by Welfarists,” National Hog Farmer 26, no. 3 (March 15, 1981): 20.