Making Like Mafioso

Those mafia guys break knee-caps, right? We writers break backs --- of chapters. I'm hellbent on the breaking the back of this chapter I'm writing, so that's what I'm doing this week. Which means --- well, you know the drill, right:  unless I run across a topic about which I simply MUST rant. right. now., there won't be much blogging this week. Off I go, walking not softly and carrying one big mother of a stick.

Okay. Back to Fishing (For Words and Facts)

Alrighty. Off again to fish for several days. Until, ahem, something else sets me off. Actually, this is good time for an update: I'm closing in on the halfway point of the book. I'm also ready to write the next chapter, and when I write, I need to descend into the cone of silence.

Did I really just write that I'm at the halfway point? Wow. How did that happen? Seems like only yesterday that I was ready to toss the whole damn thing out the window. Hmmmm. Books happen in mysterious ways.

Gone Fishin' . . . For Facts and Words

I took most of last week off because The Baby was here visiting (with his mama and daddy), which necessitated much cooking (because, yes, I do cook) and ga-ga-goo-ing, etc. No surprise, I got almost no work done. And now must make up for that fact.

So --- blogging will run slow for a week or so. Ya know: Until I get sufficiently annoyed about something rant about it in another five-part saga.

Sloooow Means --- Slooooow.

I wasn't kidding about the sloooooow blogging around here. This is what happens when I hit the mid-point of a new project: I slide into this big, deep well of silence, the better to commune with my subject and all its complexities.

So, no, I've not abandoned my blog. It won't be one of those ether-orphans, adrift and abandoned for all eternity.

(Okay, my brain is conjuring images of "2001: A Space Odyssey," one of my all-time favorite films. If you've never seen it, well, what the hell's the matter with you??) (I first saw it when it came out, a bazillion years ago. I saw it three times that weekend. Hey! I was in high school. Teenagers are, um, drama k/queens.)

Just think of me, if you do at all, as swimming in a sea of ideas and images and characters and facts and words. I'm happy!